Ms White - Strategy Collective

Ms White Pizza.

Brand Touchpoints:

Branding. Design. Digital Marketing. Illustration. Photography. Signage. Social Media. Video. Website.

Bada** Pizza.

Ms White is the bad girl in the West End Precinct. She serves up the coldest craft and the most authentic pizza in the city. She’ll even let you take her home with you.

Named after the White Hart herself, she needed to have some attitude, be a bit of a bad ass, as well as a flirt. Remember, the White Hart was once home to the Magog’s MC so we wanted to capture some of that attitude.

Brand touch points included, web design and development, business collateral, menus, illustrations, uniforms, photography and even some stickers and stamps to plaster the walls of New Plymouth.

Our team continue to work with Ms Whites, supporting them with design, social media management, website, photography and video.
